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Savline RP VC:MP - Server Rules (DRAFT WIP)

Started by HellFury, Jun 21, 2024, 08:29 AM

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Savline Roleplay - VC:MP RP Server Rules
Chapter 1: General Server Rules

1.1. General Conduct
Any player in the Savline Roleplay community must treat others respectfully. Insulting, trolling, flaming, spamming, or acting in otherwise disruptive ways will not be tolerated. The enforcement of this rule is up to an administrator's discretion.

1.2. Multiple Accounts
You are not allowed to use more than one account on our VC:MP RP server and forums - from the same IP or computer. Multiaccounting is a bannable offence. If you are playing with a sibling or other relative, you must have approval from Savline HQ, and it is never allowed to play from the same serial. File for this either through our Support Center or through a member of HQ.

        1.2.1 Selling Accounts
                Selling your account to someone else is also strictly prohibited and will be met with severe punishment. Accounts are considered private, personal and unique to one player.

1.3. Transferring Assets
Transferring assets is strictly limited to premium users. If you wish to transfer money, vehicles, property or other assets, purchasing the perk with Premium Credits is mandatory. You are not allowed to transfer weaponry of any sort. You will also not be given back any impounded or seized vehicles after a transfer.

1.4. Scams
Scamming of vehicles and properties is not allowed by any means. Generally, this refers to performing an action that gives you legal possession of a property or vehicle through deceit.

Example of Scamming: Promising to pay money after someone sells you a property or vehicle and not paying the money as promised.

Example of Not Scamming: Taking a property or vehicle through force or robbery, in this instance, possession was never taken legally through deceit.

1.5. AFKing
Leaving your computer or tabbing out/going AFK should not be done in a public area. Ideally, please go to the character selection screen to do so. Or at the very least, go AFK in an appropriate setting, such as a personal interior.

1.6. Server Advertising
Sending other players links or discussing other servers, communities or groups in the manner of advertising is strictly prohibited. We expect all players to keep their opinions about said matter to themselves, as we hope members from other corners of the gaming world would do the same for us.

1.7. Bugs and Script Abuse
You are not allowed to abuse bugs. Bugs are defined as unintended actions via the script, such as duplicating items/money/vehicles. You are required to report any bugs you find using our bug tracker. Failure to report bugs and instead abusing them for personal benefit/gain will be met with severe punishment.

1.8. Currencies
There are two kinds of currencies - out-of-character and in-character currencies. In-character currencies include everything with money, vehicles, properties and similar used by your character. Out-of-character currencies include Premium Credits, and any currency used by yourself, as a person (i.e. USD, GBP). These currencies are not to be mixed. Exchanging in-character currencies for out-of-character ones, or vice-versa, is not allowed. They are to be kept separate. The only exceptions to this are the official Premium perks offered by the server, such as temporary extra money per payday.

1.9. Inactivity
During inactivity, your assets will be force-sold. Assets only being your interiors and vehicles. Money and items on your characters will not be removed during inactivity. If an asset is force-sold for this reason, it is not refundable. An asset, of any type, is considered inactive after having not been entered in 14 days or the owner has been inactive for 30 days. Only one of the two is needed.

        1.9.1. Interiors
                Interiors can be force-sold including all the side interiors linked to the property. If a house is inactive, the garage will be force-sold along with it. This is to keep the properties as one. The main property always overrules the sub-properties. So if a garage or bedroom is inactive but the house itself isn't, the house and all sub-interiors (including the inactive one) cannot be force-sold.
Interiors may be forcefully sold by admins if the owner is avoiding the inactivity scanner without the use of inactivity protection by logging on and using the interior or having a friend use the interior without roleplaying on the server with that character.

1.9.2. Vehicles
Vehicles will never be force-sold unless it has been parked in a force-sold interior and you have been inactive for 30 days or it has not been used for 14 days. If you purchase an interior that was force-sold and vehicles still exist in the interior, they will be deleted if inactive or they will be taken as parked there in character.

1.10 Impersonations

Impersonating another player, by using a similar account name, creating a certain level of confusion, is not allowed. Account names are considered personal and must remain so.

Portraying yourself as a staff member is strictly forbidden and may lead to harsh punishments. Savline Roleplay chooses its staff members carefully and endeavours to continue doing so.

1.11 Inappropriate & Illegal Content
Do not post material or links to content that is illegal as per United States and International law.
Do not post nudity, gore, or otherwise inappropriate content without spoilers, warnings, and a reason. For example, illegal roleplayers discussing cartels in real life and showing a video of a shootout would be acceptable, but showing random gore for shock value is not.

        1.11.1 Retexturing
                Retexturing the game has been made possible script-wise, yet there are certain rules to maintain a certain level of decency. Erotically oriented pictures may only be used in appropriate/private spaces (i.e. personal interiors or strip clubs). The same applies to any socially unacceptable pictures, they are to be kept out of interiors accessible to the public that aren't of that specific nature (i.e. strip clubs).

                Billboard texturing can only be done for official legal factions to promote themselves (reserved for the government and its municipal agencies). Exterior re-texturing can be placed to advertise a business if permission is granted by Savline HQ.

        1.11.2 Third Party Programs
                All rules of Savline Roleplay, most notably ones regarding advertisements, spamming, harassment, trolling, etc, apply to all services that are officially part of and run by Savline Roleplay.

                These programs are not to be used in character or for any sort of in-character communication unless you are in specific and monitored channels that have been approved by a member of the community or server's management team such as voice chat channels for law enforcement factions.

1.12 External Websites
Any domain not under the direct control of Savline Roleplay (not a Savline Roleplay website) may not be utilized for in-character purposes. Examples of this would be an external website created to advertise an in-character business, a Dropbox to share an in-character PDF document or utilization of any Google service such as docs, spreadsheets, etc, mainly used for organization purposes.

Exceptions to this rule are approved by the Savline HQ on a case-by-case basis and listed publicly. Exceptions will be made under the pretence that the platform being approved allows for full access by the Savline HQ as requested to prevent meta-gaming. You can file for approval with valid reasoning.

•    Linkbook
•    Google Drive (Docs, spreadsheets, etc.)
–    Vice City Police Department
–    Vice City Fire Department
–    Leonida State Government
–    Escobar International Airport // Federal Aviation Administration
–    Supreme Court of the State of Leonida
–    Leonida Emergency Medical Services

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