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Savline RP VC:MP - Server Rules (DRAFT WIP)

Started by HellFury, Jun 21, 2024, 08:29 AM

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Savline Roleplay - VC:MP RP Server Rules
Chapter 1: General Server Rules

1.1. General Conduct
Any player in the Savline Roleplay community must treat others respectfully. Insulting, trolling, flaming, spamming, or acting in otherwise disruptive ways will not be tolerated. The enforcement of this rule is up to an administrator's discretion.

1.2. Multiple Accounts
You are not allowed to use more than one account on our VC:MP RP server and forums - from the same IP or computer. Multiaccounting is a bannable offence. If you are playing with a sibling or other relative, you must have approval from Savline HQ, and it is never allowed to play from the same serial. File for this either through our Support Center or through a member of HQ.

        1.2.1 Selling Accounts
                Selling your account to someone else is also strictly prohibited and will be met with severe punishment. Accounts are considered private, personal and unique to one player.

1.3. Transferring Assets
Transferring assets is strictly limited to premium users. If you wish to transfer money, vehicles, property or other assets, purchasing the perk with Premium Credits is mandatory. You are not allowed to transfer weaponry of any sort. You will also not be given back any impounded or seized vehicles after a transfer.

1.4. Scams
Scamming of vehicles and properties is not allowed by any means. Generally, this refers to performing an action that gives you legal possession of a property or vehicle through deceit.

Example of Scamming: Promising to pay money after someone sells you a property or vehicle and not paying the money as promised.

Example of Not Scamming: Taking a property or vehicle through force or robbery, in this instance, possession was never taken legally through deceit.

1.5. AFKing
Leaving your computer or tabbing out/going AFK should not be done in a public area. Ideally, please go to the character selection screen to do so. Or at the very least, go AFK in an appropriate setting, such as a personal interior.

1.6. Server Advertising
Sending other players links or discussing other servers, communities or groups in the manner of advertising is strictly prohibited. We expect all players to keep their opinions about said matter to themselves, as we hope members from other corners of the gaming world would do the same for us.

1.7. Bugs and Script Abuse
You are not allowed to abuse bugs. Bugs are defined as unintended actions via the script, such as duplicating items/money/vehicles. You are required to report any bugs you find using our bug tracker. Failure to report bugs and instead abusing them for personal benefit/gain will be met with severe punishment.

1.8. Currencies
There are two kinds of currencies - out-of-character and in-character currencies. In-character currencies include everything with money, vehicles, properties and similar used by your character. Out-of-character currencies include Premium Credits, and any currency used by yourself, as a person (i.e. USD, GBP). These currencies are not to be mixed. Exchanging in-character currencies for out-of-character ones, or vice-versa, is not allowed. They are to be kept separate. The only exceptions to this are the official Premium perks offered by the server, such as temporary extra money per payday.

1.9. Inactivity
During inactivity, your assets will be force-sold. Assets only being your properties and vehicles. Money and items on your characters will not be removed during inactivity. If an asset is force-sold for this reason, it is not refundable. An asset, of any type, is considered inactive after having not been entered in 14 days or the owner has been inactive for 30 days. Only one of the two is needed.

        1.9.1. Properties
                Properties can be force-sold. Properties will be automatically sold within 45 days of inactivity. The owner must log in and use the property.

1.9.2. Vehicles
Vehicles will never be force-sold unless it has been parked in a force-sold interior and you have been inactive for 30 days. If you purchase an interior that was force-sold and vehicles still exist in the interior, they will be deleted if inactive or they will be taken as parked there in character.

1.10 Impersonations

Impersonating another player, by using a similar account name, creating a certain level of confusion, is not allowed. Account names are considered personal and must remain so.

Portraying yourself as a staff member is strictly forbidden and may lead to harsh punishments. Savline Roleplay chooses its staff members carefully and endeavours to continue doing so.

1.11 Inappropriate & Illegal Content
Do not post material or links to content that is illegal as per United States and International law.
Do not post nudity, gore, or otherwise inappropriate content without spoilers, warnings, and a reason. For example, illegal roleplayers discussing cartels in real life and showing a video of a shootout would be acceptable, but showing random gore for shock value is not.

        1.11.1 Retexturing
                Billboard texturing can only be done for official legal factions to promote themselves (reserved for the government and its municipal agencies) with permission and assistance from Savline HQ.

        1.11.2 Third Party Programs
                All rules of Savline Roleplay, most notably ones regarding advertisements, spamming, harassment, trolling, etc, apply to all services that are officially part of and run by Savline Roleplay.

                These programs are not to be used in character or for any sort of in-character communication unless you are in specific and monitored channels that have been approved by a member of the community or server's management team such as voice chat channels for law enforcement factions.

1.12 External Websites
Any domain not under the direct control of Savline Roleplay (not a Savline Roleplay website) may not be utilized for in-character purposes. Examples of this would be an external website created to advertise an in-character business, a Dropbox to share an in-character PDF document or utilization of any Google service such as docs, spreadsheets, etc, mainly used for organization purposes.

Exceptions to this rule are approved by the Savline HQ on a case-by-case basis and listed publicly. Exceptions will be made under the pretence that the platform being approved allows for full access by the Savline HQ as requested to prevent meta-gaming. You can file for approval with valid reasoning.

•   TBA


Savline Roleplay - VC:MP RP Server Rules
Chapter 2: Roleplay Rules

2.1. Always Roleplay
All players must remain in character at all times unless allowed to go out of character by a server administrator or if they are an administrator. Administrators on out-of-character duties will be marked as such by their nametag.

        2.1.1 Brawls
                The standard procedure is to fight in a roleplay manner, however, players can OOCly agree to perform a fight in a brawl done with GTA physics.

        2.1.2 Vehicular Pursuits
                An exception of always roleplay is performing a PIT maneuver during a chase.

2.2. Metagaming
Metagaming is when someone uses out-of-character (OOC) information for in-character (IC) purposes. If you attempt to incite metagaming, then you're also breaking the rules and will be equally punished for metagaming. Metagaming is a bannable offence given the multi-character system and the trust we intend to allow players.

2.3. Powergaming
A player can be deemed to be powergaming if he or she presumes or declares that his or her action against another player character is successful without giving the other player character the freedom to act on his or her own decisions. This includes but is not limited to:

• Forcing actions upon a player.
• Failing to allow a player to roleplay their actions.
• Use of items that you haven't physically obtained.
• Acting superhuman.

        2.3.1 Character Development
                Character development plays a vital role in what is considered powergaming. A character who goes to the gym and works out regularly may be in better physical condition than others involved in the situation.

                Special Characters:
                Special Characters are characters that have a particular subset of skills (superior strength, shooting, stamina, etc), such as but not limited to:
                • Mentally Challenged
                • Skilled Martial Artists
                • Members of Special Operations Forces

                These characters must have HQ approval before roleplaying as such.

        2.3.2 Vehicles
                Vehicles that are used as they are not designed to an unreasonable extent, such as lowriders offroading, are considered powergaming as the vehicle would not be able to sustain such conditions without breaking or becoming inoperable. This rule will not be draconian and will account for the fact GTA:VC is a game, but common sense will need to prevail. Speeding up a mountain in a supercar to escape, for example, will be punishable, while attempting to escape in an SUV on a mountain may not.

2.4. Deathmatching
Deathmatching is the act of killing another person's character without sufficient reason or proper roleplay.

2.5. Death

        2.5.1 Player Kills
                A player kill is when your character is killed within a specific roleplay scenario. After that, the player may not return to that specific scenario. A player is considered to have died in a roleplay scenario after clicking on the Respawn button on the death screen.

        2.5.2 Character Kills
                A character kill is when your character is permanently killed and the ability to access that character is disabled via script function. They serve as a means of permanently ending a character's life and their story. Character kills should not be taken lightly. Remember, a majority of situations can be dealt with before resorting to a character kill by beating, player kill, etc.

An application is necessary to character kill someone due to the severity of it. If your character kill application is sensitive, you may file a private application which is sent to and reviewed by Senior Administrators+. Private character kills may be exclusively sent to HQ as well for the most privacy if deemed necessary. Additionally, character kills may be accepted in-game by a single administrator for situations where you require a quick response where you otherwise could not wait for an application.

For a character kill to be valid, the character being killed should generally be killed script-wise. There are a few types of exceptions to this. If for example someone's foot is exposed and it is shot over and over and they die script-wise, they would not necessarily realistically die. Thus, if they received reasonable medical treatment before they bled out, they'd survive, maybe lose their foot. On the other hand, if that person hadn't received prompt medical attention, they would bleed out and die, warranting a character kill even if they hadn't died scriptwise. Another example of this would be if someone is run over by a vehicle. With the game physics, they may not lose very much health, but in reality, they would very easily be killed at a high-speed impact. Again, this only applies in a scenario where a character kill attempt is approved. These are going to be rare.

        2.5.3 Disregard for Life
                Disregard for life is usually someone showing disregard for their own life or wilfully taking unnecessary risks such as acting suicidally or not caring for their actions as carefully as they would in real life. Some more detailed examples of this would be:

                • Pulling a gun out on a police officer during a traffic stop when you are going to receive a traffic infraction, your character is then killed.
                • Reckless handling of a vehicle or aircraft and crashing it which would result in death, especially at a very high rate of speed.
                • Police acting like they're invincible, failing to follow proper safety protocol, acting out unrealistically in situations where they normally wouldn't.

                In certain cases where roleplay context exists, disregard for life may be roleplayed (i.e. inmate sentenced to life unwilling to go back, willing to shoot at cops while cornered). However, roleplay context and reasoning are imperative. Without it, roleplaying with disregard for life is prohibited and punishable.

2.6. Extreme Roleplay

        2.6.1 Consent
                All parties involved, including witnesses, must provide OOC agreement to participate in any of the situations listed below:
                • Rape
                • Cannibalism
                • Bestiality
                • Necrophilia
                • Sexual Harassment

                You may withdraw your consent at any time during the roleplay.

        2.6.2 Prohibited Roleplay
                Roleplay in the following list is prohibited in any circumstance:
                • Sexual roleplay of minors (younger than 16)
                • Incest (sexual relations with relatives)

2.7. Roleplay Binds
Binds to draw or holster one-handed weapons are allowed as they naturally have a faster draw time. Two-handed weapons such as assault rifles, rifles, shotguns, etc. require a manually typed out /me to draw the weapon unless it is easily accessible due to predetermined RP (gun racks, gun slings, gun on lap, etc).

2.8. Logging out during a roleplay situation
Players are forbidden from logging out during a roleplay unless an emergency or other real-life disruption occurs. In such an instance, advise those involved in the roleplay and staff if necessary. Do not join in a large roleplay situation if you know you cannot commit the time.

        2.8.1 Law Enforcement Situations
                After criminal activity in which law enforcement may become involved, you must wait 15 minutes before logging off.

2.9. Provoking/Copbaiting
Seeking attention from law enforcement or emergency services by shouting at them, making 911 calls to be chased, etc, is prohibited. However, this does not apply, should you have a valid roleplay reason (i.e. as a distraction or as bait) within a valid roleplay situation.

2.10 Evidence
All actions may leave traces left behind from the roleplay. Such as, but not limited to:
• CCTV Footage
• Fingerprints
• Tire Treads or Shoe Imprints
• Broken Locks / Doors
• Glass Fragments
• Civilian Witnesses

Notes should be dropped indicating this evidence and information must be given to any overseeing administrators so they may relay the information to investigative parties.

2.11 CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras are by default, roleplayed as a 180-degree angle camera with 4k resolution at 30-60 frames per second. The data must be stored somewhere when roleplaying the install. All CCTV camera installations/upgrades must be approved by an administrator and added to the interior note. Footage is wiped at the end of the week if nothing of significance has occurred unless otherwise specified.

All government buildings and gas stations are assumed to have sufficient cameras to cover most common angles both inside and outside.


Savline Roleplay - VC:MP RP Server Rules
Chapter 3: Legal Roleplay Rules

3.1. Gates
Gates may only be placed on a property that you own. If you do not own the property, the owner of the property must permit you to place a gate on the property. To request a gate, contact the Mapping Team. You must provide logs of gate installation after the Mapping Team accepts your gate.

3.2. Generic Items
In general, generic items that adversely affect others during roleplay situations must be present such as gloves to prevent fingerprints, a bat to bludgeon someone, a CCTV camera to provide surveillance, etc. Generic items which do not adversely affect others in general, are not required, like a toolbox you pull a hammer out of.

All legally obtainable generics must be purchased in character through shops or the appropriate faction providing delivery services. Minor exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for spawning legal items under specific situations that are time sensitive such as needing a tire iron to change a tire when it is otherwise completely unavailable or where an item would reasonably be present and is necessary to roleplay like breaking into a police car and stealing the computer inside.

If one decides to roleplay having jewellery of significance, they need to have a generic made for it. This is the case for expensive watches, rings, and other luxurious jewellery. A simple wristwatch does not need a generic made for it.

Exceptions for items that are not rare and commonly available at big box stores may be made by the handling administrator at their discretion.

Generic items are not to be used in World 0 to replace exterior world mapping.

Items which have an illegal use and thus the purchase would not be registered or taxed, should be acquired through illegal factions in the server or a request to the Faction Team.

3.3. Interiors
When purchasing an interior you must also buy the associated interiors that come with it. An example is buying a house, and having to buy the garage that comes with it. You may not buy a garage and then not buy the house. If you do this, you will have the interior removed from you.

If an interior is disabled via means of roleplay such as a fire, natural disaster, etc, it must be renovated to be enabled again. Roleplay must be provided to an administrator and documented in the interior's history.

3.4. Weapon Licenses
Depending on the state's laws, if weapon licenses are legislated, these may be attained in character by filing the required paperwork found on the Vice City Police Department website.

Legally purchased weapons and ammunition may not be sold on the black market or to friends illegally. Legally purchased weapons may also not be used for criminal purposes.

Tier 1 and 2 license availabilities and restrictions are dependent on in-character laws, which may change. A Tier 3 license must be requested from the Faction Team.

3.5. NPCs & Shops

To uphold realism and to ensure RP, the rules in place must be followed on the subject of NPCs. You may not have an NPC that serves as a guard for security unless:

• The NPC is on government property (city hall, SD, courts, etc).
• HQ permission is given under exigent circumstances.

If you wish to have security, you will need to hire it ICly through roleplay. This will promote legal RP and aim to keep situations where NPCs will be used to deter crime to a minimum as it often brings conflict.

• The Rapid Auto Parts - Viozy NPC may not be spawned outside of RTs lobby.
• The Prison Worker NPC may not be spawned outside of a prison.
• The generic "NPC" may not be spawned outside of government property (exceptions are to guard exterior doors, fences, etc)
• The One Stop Mod Shop NPC may not be spawned outside of its Blueberry Xoomer location.
• The Santa Grotto NPC may not be spawned unless UAT permission is given.
• Faction NPCs and Weapon NPCs may not be spawned without UAT and or FT permission.
• You may not have any store, custom or default, in residential or mechanical interiors.
• You may not have both an electronics store and a general store NPC in the same interior unless you own a "superstore" class interior.

Exempt from store NPC limitations are malls, for example, JGC Mall, where the interior price is $5,000 but the building would be worth much more. In situations such as these, use common sense.

All stores must be set as "business" type IDs.

        2.5.1 Store Classes and Limitations
                General Stores (24/7, corner stores, small shops for items found in these businesses)
                If the property price is $10,000 - $35,000:
                • 1 NPC for general store items
                • 1 Custom NPC

                If the property price is $35,000 - $50,000:
                • 2 NPCs for general store items
                • 2 Custom NPCs

                If the property price is $50,000:
                • 3 NPCs for general store items
                • 3 Custom NPCs

                Gun and ammunition stores (AmmuNation, etc)
                If the property price is $10,000 - $35,000:
                • 1 NPC for guns and ammunition
                • 1 Custom NPC

                If the property price is $35,000 - $50,000:
                • 2 NPCs for guns and ammunition
                • 2 Custom NPCs

                Food stores (Food, alcohol, cafes)
                If the property price is <$35,000:
                • 1 NPC for food and drink items
                • 1 Custom NPC

                If the property price is $50,000:
                • 2 NPCs for food and drink items
                • 2 Custom NPCs

                Sex stores (sex shops only)
                If the property price is <$35,000:
                • 1 NPC for sex store and clothing store each
                • 1 Custom NPC
                If the property price is $50,000
                • 2 NPCs for sex stores and clothing stores each
                • 2 Custom NPCs

                Clothes stores (clothes, designers, etc)
                If the property price is <$35,000:
                • 1 NPC for clothes
                • 1 Custom NPC
                If the property price is $50,000
                • 2 NPCs for clothes
                • 2 Custom NPCs
                • Gyms (gym only)

                If the property price is <$35,000:
                • 1 NPC for gym
                • 1 Custom NPC

                Electronic Stores (electronics)
                If the property price is <$35,000:
                • 1 NPC for electronics
                • 1 Custom NPC

                If the property price is $50,000
                • 2 NPCs for electronics
                • 2 Custom NPCs

                Book Stores (book stores, libraries, dictionary shops, etc)
                If the property price is <$35,000:
                • 1 NPC for bookstores
                • 1 Custom NPC
                If the property price is $50,000
                • 2 NPCs for bookstores
                • 2 Custom NPCs

                Hardware Stores (hardware tools, renovation centers, etc)
                If property price is <$35,000:
                • 1 NPC for a hardware store
                • 1 Custom NPC

                If property price is $50,000
                • 2 NPCs for a hardware store
                • 2 Custom NPCs

                Superstore (Minimum property price of $105,000)
                • Any 5 NPCs
                • Unlimited custom NPCs


Savline Roleplay - VC:MP RP Server Rules
Chapter 4: Criminal Rules

4.1. Restricted Areas
You may not commit serious crimes on purpose in high-profile areas without adequate law enforcement on duty. You may check if there are enough law enforcement by asking an administrator. This limitation, however, is not to be used as a "safe zone". If you are being chased by an attacker and run onto the steps of a police station, this does not mean they must suddenly stop all illegal activity. The following zones include all of their reasonable surrounding perimeters.

All restricted areas may have crimes purposefully committed on them such as robberies of banks with permission from HQ.

• Government buildings such as City Hall, Memorials, Court Houses, Court Offices, and similar facilities.
• Vice-Dale County Hospital, Ocean Beach General Hospital, or similar medical facilities.
• Vice City Police Department HQ, stations/precincts and facilities.
• Vice City Fire Department HQ, fire stations and facilities.
• El Banco Corrupto Grande.

4.2. Arson
Committing arson requires that an adequate number of emergency service employees are available to respond to the fire and must be approved by an administrator. All arson requires the property owner to be online when the request is made to administrators.

Note: All gas stations and government buildings are assumed to have fire prevention systems.

        4.2.1 Small Fires
                Vehicles, small buildings without anyone inside, sheds, and similar places may be targeted with arson without firefighters available, assuming the fire remains contained.

        4.2.2 Large Fires
                Large buildings, buildings with people inside, forest fires, and similar places may be targeted with arson provided at least two firefighters are available, or 3+ if rescue is involved.

4.3. Kidnapping
If planning to leave a character to starve, one must have a CK application accepted on the character. Otherwise, there must be roleplay intended to free/feed the character.

4.4. Property Break-Ins & Robbery & Theft
Suppose administrative intervention is necessary to complete a robbery or theft, such as unlocking a door that was kicked in. In that case, it must adhere to the following rules and needs administrative approval. If, for instance, a door was left open and you just walked in, you do not need to follow the rules below nor seek approval. Administrator approval is needed if property break-ins are done using a door ram or similar means, and you are not law enforcement.

You may not rob/steal:
• If you have less than 10 hours on your character.
• Other characters with less than 5 hours.
• On-duty law enforcement officer's equipment without administrative permission.
• Faction badges or identification cards.
• Private custom skins (unless the player agrees).
• More than $5,000 from someone's bank account utilizing their stolen automated teller card (unless the player agrees).
• Property or vehicle keys (unless the player agrees).

        4.4.1 Residential Property
                All private residential property may be broken into and burglarized at any time except when the property owner is logged out inside the interior or another player logged out of the interior within the last 7 days. At least two law enforcement officers must be available to respond when the request is made. Residential refers to a style of property designed for people to live in, not including recreational vehicles, boats, and other similar enterable vehicles.

                Properties that are not strictly commercial nor residential (home garages being the most common) attached to or immediately adjoining a residential property on the same piece of land and owned by the same person fall under this 7-day exception, despite not being strictly residential (livable). A common example would be the garages next to houses in Palomino Creek. This is because in reality, if you were in your house next to the garage and it was broken into, you would likely hear the glass smash, or crashing, etc.

        4.4.2 Commercial Property
                Commercial property such as storefronts, offices, businesses, warehouses, and other non-residential properties, may be broken into and burglarized. At least two law enforcement officers must be available to respond.

        4.4.3 Faction & Government Property
                Since there is no owner for faction or government properties, only the requisite amount of law enforcement must be available.

        4.4.4 Warrants & Property Inspections
                Law enforcement and emergency services personnel may enter properties without the owner needing to be online with a sufficient enough reason such as serving a search or arrest warrant, entering the property under exigent circumstances, performing a fire inspection, etc.

        4.4.5 Safes
                Unless otherwise specified, all safes in interiors are to be roleplayed as mid-tier household safes.

        4.4.6 Character Robberies
                You may not player kill someone just before, during, or directly after a petty robbery. This is to prevent abuse of the amnesia effect when normally violence would not be utilized. A player would be exempt from this rule if there's clear intent that the PK of the victim was not to use the amnesia effect, but rather to protect themselves (victim disregarding their life, taking extra steps to get you caught) or exterior motive (intent to kill due to previous encounters). Ultimately, it's up to the handling administrator's judgment to determine if the PK was used to abuse the amnesia effect.

        4.4.7 Vehicle Robberies
                Vehicle robbery means vehicles that are broken into and have the contents inside stolen. They do not require the owner to be online and are treated like faction or government property robberies, however, government vehicles require permission from an administrator to be broken into.

        4.4.8 Vehicle Thefts
                Vehicle theft refers to actually taking and moving the vehicle in question. This may only be done or attempted once every 24 hours. Just like robbery, government vehicles require permission from an administrator. An exception to this is a spontaneous vehicle pursuit and the government vehicle in question is co-opted.

                If the key is in the inventory of a vehicle, you may steal the car without admin permission. If the ignition key is digitally signed, the county hall locksmith will not copy the key without proof of vehicle ownership(vehicle title & accompanying ID). To have the key copied, the player must roleplay gathering tools and key blanks to do the digital copying themselves.

If the player timed out, you may not steal the vehicle. An admin can check connection logs to determine if the player timed out.


Savline Roleplay - VC:MP RP Server Rules
Chapter 5: Faction Rules

Note: Further information regarding factions such as criteria for becoming official or making requests may be found in the Faction Information thread.

5.1. Faction Wars

        5.1.1 Starting & Ending a War
                If a feud occurs between factions, they may seek the Faction Team's approval for a faction war. This approval is sought when multiple Character Kills are expected and the goal is to debilitate or eradicate the opposing faction(s). Faction wars may be ended if all factions involved agree to a truce or at any time the Faction Team deems necessary.

        5.1.2 Character Kills
                After a faction war is approved, every violent conflict is considered a character-kill situation for the faction members, associates, assistants and perceived members. Admin supervision should be requested wherever possible to prevent any disputes. Any character kills or confrontations regarding the faction war should be reported to the Faction Team so they may keep track of the feud.

        5.1.3 Alternate Characters
                No alternate characters from the factions or players involved are allowed, except approved leadership alternate accounts. New or low-hour characters may not be created or used during the faction war.

5.2. Use of Government Perks
Any faction financially supported through the Faction Team or Scripting may not have a wage higher than $1,500 except for brief periods when bonuses may be given during the holidays.

5.3. Corruption
Corruption in government factions is restricted unless a set of parameters is created and submitted to the Faction Team for approval. After approval, the faction leadership may delegate according to the parameters who are corrupt.

Financial corruption such as embezzling money is not allowed under any circumstances unless FT leadership & HQ approval is given.

        5.3.1 Prohibited Leadership Corruption
                Leaders of government factions are prohibited from being corrupt, to maintain some balance and fairness in the server. Corruption in these factions is defined as being part of a criminal syndicate and causing damage to the faction such as leaking information, embezzlement and other such issues. Committing crimes and misconduct more generally is not necessarily against the rules and can be dealt with via roleplay means, though each faction will have specific rules. The following factional positions are bound by server rules not to be corrupt:

                • United States Government - President of the United States, Vice President of the United States, Speaker of the House, all Senators and House Representatives.
                • Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) and all federal courts - ALL Justices (Judges) of the court(s).
                • U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - FBI Director, FBI Deputy Director and FBI Assistant Director.
                • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - FAA Administrator, Deputy Administrator and Regional Administrator.
                • Leonida State Government - Governor of Leonida, Lieutenant Governor of Leonida, and the Leonida Cabinet.
                • Supreme Court of the State of Leonida and all state courts - ALL Justices (Judges) of the court(s).
                • Vice City Police Department (VCPD) - VCPD Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police and Assistant Chief of Police.
                • Vice City Fire Department (VCFD) - VCFD Fire Chief, Fire Deputy Chief, and Fire Battalion Chief.

5.4. Faction Recruitment
Suppose someone's unable to continue roleplaying in their faction permanently, such as being imprisoned for life or killed. In that case, they must wait at least 72 hours before rejoining the faction in any capacity. If the faction is rejoined, the player must wait 14 days at minimum before attaining one rank below the previously held rank.

Exceptions for this may be made by contacting the Faction Team or HQ, especially regarding faction leadership ranks.

5.5. Alternate Characters
Faction leaders may obtain permission from the Faction Team to have personal alternate characters in their faction. This character may not hold any supervisory position unless otherwise stated.

5.6. Faction Shutdown
If a faction, legal or illegal, succumbs to inactivity, all faction leaders must agree on the same plan of action if the following events occur:

• Any exterior mapping is modified or deleted.
• Any interior is OOCly deleted or modified.
• Any faction asset such as a gun NPC is deleted.
• A voluntary shutdown is set into motion.

5.7. Interior Activity
Factions should make an effort to keep their interiors active. Activity with faction interiors is not the same as activity with regular interiors that players own. This means the interiors should be used by the faction and roleplayed with or an attempt to do such must be made. Sitting on interiors and hoarding them may get them force sold. These interiors are evaluated on a case by case basis by the Faction Team.

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